Wednesday, August 27, 2008

So far, so good ...

We're having wonderful numbers! That last basal adjusment seems to have done the trick ... for now. No real lows and nothing out of the 100's for the past couple of days. Fingers crossed!

Of course, success is fleeting in diabetes. There are always growth spurts, slowdowns in metabolism, and the moon out of alignment with the proper stars and planets to step in and confuse things. I think of it as a lifestyle, not a disease treatment. You have to be open, flexible, and ready to make a change without missing a beat.

To all of you out there in the same boat, lots of hugs!!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

The basal game

Well, we're still playing the basal game! But it's getting better. We're down to getting mostly good numbers with a couple of lows and a couple of rebound highs. So far so good, until we hit another growth spurt! lol

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Insulin pumps and sanity

The two fit together LOL. These days, I can't even remember the days of shots. The past few days, we've been struggling with basal readjustments. Seems we've been running a few highs. There seems to be a pattern lately of raising and lowering basals, but I suspect that's from some growth spurts he's going through. What I like about the pump is the flexibility to change the basals during any time of day. At this point, I'm only raising by the smallest increment during the hours that he's running high. I'll keep you posted on how things work out.

Saturday, August 16, 2008


Hi Everyone! I decided to start a blog about my experiences with diabetes. My son was diagnosed at six months old with Type 1 Diabetes. He is now 12 years old, so that means we have been on this journey for a long time. I learn new things all the time, and I hope that some of the experiences I post will be helpful to someone in a similar situation.